3.3 转换
3.3.1 map
方法名 | 描述 |
thenApply(Function<? super T,? extends U> fn) | 接受一个Function<? super T,? extends U>参数用来转换CompletableFuture |
thenApplyAsync(Function<? super T,? extends U> fn) | 接受一个Function<? super T,? extends U>参数用来转换CompletableFuture,使用ForkJoinPool |
thenApplyAsync(Function<? super T,? extends U> fn, Executor executor) | 接受一个Function<? super T,? extends U>参数用来转换CompletableFuture,使用指定的线程池 |
CompletableFuturefuture = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> "Hello"); future = future.thenApply(new Function () { @Override public String apply(String s) { return s + " World"; } }).thenApply(new Function () { @Override public String apply(String s) { return s.toUpperCase(); } }); try { System.out.println(future.get()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }复制代码
CompletableFuturefuture = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> "Hello") .thenApply(s -> s + " World").thenApply(String::toUpperCase); try { System.out.println(future.get()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }复制代码
下面的例子,展示了数据流的类型经历了如下的转换:String -> Integer -> Double。
CompletableFuturefuture = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> "10") .thenApply(Integer::parseInt) .thenApply(i->i*10.0); try { System.out.println(future.get()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }复制代码
3.3.2 flatMap
方法名 | 描述 |
thenCompose(Function<? super T, ? extends CompletionStage<U>> fn) | 在异步操作完成的时候对异步操作的结果进行一些操作,并且仍然返回CompletableFuture类型。 |
thenComposeAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends CompletionStage<U>> fn) | 在异步操作完成的时候对异步操作的结果进行一些操作,并且仍然返回CompletableFuture类型。使用ForkJoinPool。 |
thenComposeAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends CompletionStage<U>> fn,Executor executor) | 在异步操作完成的时候对异步操作的结果进行一些操作,并且仍然返回CompletableFuture类型。使用指定的线程池。 |
CompletableFuturefuture = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> "Hello") .thenCompose(s -> CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> s + " World")); try { System.out.println(future.get()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }复制代码
Hello World复制代码
CompletableFuturefuture = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> "100") .thenCompose(s -> CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> s + "100")) .thenCompose(s -> CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> Double.parseDouble(s))); try { System.out.println(future.get()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }复制代码
3.4 组合
方法名 | 描述 |
thenCombine(CompletionStage<? extends U> other, BiFunction<? super T,? super U,? extends V> fn) | 当两个CompletableFuture都正常完成后,执行提供的fn,用它来组合另外一个CompletableFuture的结果。 |
thenCombineAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U> other, BiFunction<? super T,? super U,? extends V> fn) | 当两个CompletableFuture都正常完成后,执行提供的fn,用它来组合另外一个CompletableFuture的结果。使用ForkJoinPool。 |
thenCombineAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U> other, BiFunction<? super T,? super U,? extends V> fn, Executor executor) | 当两个CompletableFuture都正常完成后,执行提供的fn,用它来组合另外一个CompletableFuture的结果。使用指定的线程池。 |
CompletableFuturefuture1 = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> "100"); CompletableFuture future2 = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> 100); CompletableFuture future = future1.thenCombine(future2, (s, i) -> Double.parseDouble(s + i)); try { System.out.println(future.get()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }复制代码
方法名 | 描述 |
thenAcceptBoth(CompletionStage<? extends U> other, BiConsumer<? super T,? super U> action) | 当两个CompletableFuture都正常完成后,执行提供的action,用它来组合另外一个CompletableFuture的结果。 |
thenAcceptBothAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U> other, BiConsumer<? super T,? super U> action) | 当两个CompletableFuture都正常完成后,执行提供的action,用它来组合另外一个CompletableFuture的结果。使用ForkJoinPool。 |
thenAcceptBothAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U> other, BiConsumer<? super T,? super U> action, Executor executor) | 当两个CompletableFuture都正常完成后,执行提供的action,用它来组合另外一个CompletableFuture的结果。使用指定的线程池。 |
CompletableFuturefuture1 = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> "100"); CompletableFuture future2 = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> 100); CompletableFuture future = future1.thenAcceptBoth(future2, (s, i) -> System.out.println(Double.parseDouble(s + i))); try { future.get(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }复制代码
3.5 计算结果完成时的处理
###3.5.1 执行特定的Action
方法名 | 描述 |
whenComplete(BiConsumer<? super T,? super Throwable> action) | 当CompletableFuture完成计算结果时对结果进行处理,或者当CompletableFuture产生异常的时候对异常进行处理。 |
whenCompleteAsync(BiConsumer<? super T,? super Throwable> action) | 当CompletableFuture完成计算结果时对结果进行处理,或者当CompletableFuture产生异常的时候对异常进行处理。使用ForkJoinPool。 |
whenCompleteAsync(BiConsumer<? super T,? super Throwable> action, Executor executor) | 当CompletableFuture完成计算结果时对结果进行处理,或者当CompletableFuture产生异常的时候对异常进行处理。使用指定的线程池。 |
CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> "Hello") .thenApply(s->s+" World") .thenApply(s->s+ "\nThis is CompletableFuture demo") .thenApply(String::toLowerCase) .whenComplete((result, throwable) -> System.out.println(result));复制代码
hello worldthis is completablefuture demo复制代码
###3.5.2 执行完Action可以做转换
方法名 | 描述 |
handle(BiFunction<? super T, Throwable, ? extends U> fn) | 当CompletableFuture完成计算结果或者抛出异常的时候,执行提供的fn |
handleAsync(BiFunction<? super T, Throwable, ? extends U> fn) | 当CompletableFuture完成计算结果或者抛出异常的时候,执行提供的fn,使用ForkJoinPool。 |
handleAsync(BiFunction<? super T, Throwable, ? extends U> fn, Executor executor) | 当CompletableFuture完成计算结果或者抛出异常的时候,执行提供的fn,使用指定的线程池。 |
CompletableFuturefuture = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> "100") .thenApply(s->s+"100") .handle((s, t) -> s != null ? Double.parseDouble(s) : 0); try { System.out.println(future.get()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }复制代码
@FunctionalInterfacepublic interface BiFunction{ /** * Applies this function to the given arguments. * * @param t the first function argument * @param u the second function argument * @return the function result */ R apply(T t, U u); /** * Returns a composed function that first applies this function to * its input, and then applies the { @code after} function to the result. * If evaluation of either function throws an exception, it is relayed to * the caller of the composed function. * * @param the type of output of the { @code after} function, and of the * composed function * @param after the function to apply after this function is applied * @return a composed function that first applies this function and then * applies the { @code after} function * @throws NullPointerException if after is null */ default BiFunction andThen(Function after) { Objects.requireNonNull(after); return (T t, U u) -> after.apply(apply(t, u)); }}复制代码
@FunctionalInterfacepublic interface BiConsumer{ /** * Performs this operation on the given arguments. * * @param t the first input argument * @param u the second input argument */ void accept(T t, U u); /** * Returns a composed { @code BiConsumer} that performs, in sequence, this * operation followed by the { @code after} operation. If performing either * operation throws an exception, it is relayed to the caller of the * composed operation. If performing this operation throws an exception, * the { @code after} operation will not be performed. * * @param after the operation to perform after this operation * @return a composed { @code BiConsumer} that performs in sequence this * operation followed by the { @code after} operation * @throws NullPointerException if { @code after} is null */ default BiConsumer andThen(BiConsumer after) { Objects.requireNonNull(after); return (l, r) -> { accept(l, r); after.accept(l, r); }; }}复制代码
###3.5.3 纯消费(执行Action)
方法名 | 描述 |
thenAccept(Consumer<? super T> action) | 当CompletableFuture完成计算结果,只对结果执行Action,而不返回新的计算值 |
thenAcceptAsync(Consumer<? super T> action) | 当CompletableFuture完成计算结果,只对结果执行Action,而不返回新的计算值,使用ForkJoinPool。 |
thenAcceptAsync(Consumer<? super T> action, Executor executor) | 当CompletableFuture完成计算结果,只对结果执行Action,而不返回新的计算值 |
CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> "Hello") .thenApply(s->s+" World") .thenApply(s->s+ "\nThis is CompletableFuture demo") .thenApply(String::toLowerCase) .thenAccept(System.out::print);复制代码
hello worldthis is completablefuture demo复制代码